A place where students feel safe, ready to learn and want to come to every day.

Events Calendar

Hot Lunch
Hot Lunch
Pizza Lunch

Learn more about us

Beacon Hill Elementary is located at the heart of the tight-knit Beacon Hill community in Beaconsfield, Québec. Students learn in a warm and caring environment where strong relationships are encouraged between students, staff and parents. Its student population is primarily from the towns of Beaconsfield, Kirkland and Pointe-Claire, though we also have many students from other communities. We also welcome students from many countries around the world exposing our community to a variety of different cultures. Beacon Hill offers an early immersion program from kindergarten to grade 6. We are located on a large park which includes tennis courts, a skating rink, toboggan hill, soccer field, swimming pool and playgrounds.

School Hours

7:50 AM– First bell
7:50 – 8:00 AM– Early morning recess
8:00 AM– School bell
10:00 – 10:20 AM– Recess
11:50 AM – Lunch dismissal
12:40 PM – Classes begin
2:10 – 2:30 PM– Recess
2:30 PM – Dismissal

170 allée Alton, Beaconsfield,
Quebec - H9W 2Z3

School Office: 514-695-3301
SEED Daycare: 514-630-5714